Class 8- Year 3

Welcome to Class 8!

Class teacher: Mr Hewitt

Teaching Assistant: Miss Robinson

The children in Class 8 have had a brilliant year so far and have really impressed Mr Hewitt, Miss Robinson and Mrs Coates with their lovely manners and excellent attitudes to learning! They are showing that they are ready for life in Year 4.    

Our current topic is ‘The Vikings’ which is fantastic, building on our knowledge of “The Romans” from last term. The children have already shown that they have a great understanding of historic events from the past and this will help them for our new topic.

In English, we will be learning about Romulus and Remus. We will be learning how to write our own Roman myth using the features required. We will also construct our own non-chronological report about the Romans. The children in Year 3 are amazing readers and this will develop as we work on fluency and reading skills across the year.

This term in maths, we are going to learn Roman numerals up to 12 and be able to read clocks with Roman numerals. We will be developing our knowledge of properties of 3D shapes and applying this in a variety of reasoning and problem-solving questions. We will also look at mass and capacity with a range of practical activities. We will deepen our knowledge on statistics and Year 3 will be working on interpreting and representing data using bar charts.

Our science lessons will be all about forces and magnets this term. The children will learn about how magnets attract to each other as well as how different forces affects movement. This will involve many investigations.

In PE, we will be focusing on communication and tactics with Luke and Olly as well as attending weekly swimming lessons.  

Year 3’s RE sessions will focus on The Creation Story and what it means to follow God. Children will also take part in daily worships, this may be in class or as a whole school.

We are very excited that Mrs Bradley will be teaching ukulele lessons to Year 3 every Thursday.

Our class homework will be sent out each Friday on eSchools website.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 8?

We are enjoying everything Year 3 has to offer.

It’s been a very busy Spring term in Class 8!

Our learning journey in Year 3 begins!