Pupil Premium

The Government currently provides additional funding to all schools for children in certain key groups. Schools use this funding to enhance the achievement of pupils in these groups and ensure the inclusion of these pupils in all enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities.
This funding is known as the Pupil Premium Grant and is intended to allow each school to make additional provision for children who are in receipt of free school meals, those who are looked after by the local authority and those whose parents are members of the armed forces and may, as a consequence of their parents’ placements, be subject to a number of school moves.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024/25
For the financial year 2024-2025, we will receive £16,280 in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.
Please see the our Pupil Premium strategy document below for how we plan to use this funding. The impact of these strategies will be closely monitored by the school’s Senior Leadership Team.
Date of next review: April 2025