Core Learning … Maths, English, RE

School sets very high expectations in all areas of the curriculum, with Maths, English and Religious Education forming the core of our curriculum across school. Our belief is that strong Maths and English skills give children the opportunity to excel in other areas of the curriculum. From the moment children enter our school they are given the best opportunities to learn these key skills. High quality teaching, wonderful learning environments and an engaging, fun and challenging curriculum approach are the drivers for outstanding progress across school. Children who enter our nursery and reception are immersed in experiences which support the development of early calculation, phonics, reading and writing, alongside developing lifelong learning skills such as resilience, perseverance and problem solving. These foundations are built upon as children move through school. Children are treated as individuals and are challenged to progress to the next level of ‘their’ learning at all times.

Click below to find out more about our core subjects.
