Class 1- Reception

Welcome to Class 1!

Class teacher: Miss Jewson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Fairweather & Miss Gibson

We have all settled in brilliantly to Reception and are loving exploring our new environment and keeping busy with all the exciting activities and resources. We have been accessing a range of adult-led tasks and planning our own play both indoors and outdoors.

We have been working incredibly hard to learn new sounds in Read Write Inc phonics sessions and practising our letter formation using ‘Squiggle Me into a Writer’. In ‘Drawing Club’, we love to listen to stories and watch animations to inspire our writing.

Our topic this half term is ‘Super Me, Super You’.

During this theme, children’s learning and development will be supported by activities based on families, homes, pets, body parts, senses and keeping healthy. We will be getting to know each other, taking part in lots of circle time activities and play opportunities.

In addition, we will use the children’s own interests to plan exciting and engaging learning opportunities.

In Autumn 2 our topic is ‘The Night Sky’.

During this theme, the children will learn about special events and celebrations including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas. They will also explore space and planets through their play and topic inputs.


 Not only is Seesaw used for homework, we will also use this to track your child’s progress and development and enhance communication between home and school.

You will receive regular updates on Seesaw.

On the app, we encourage you to respond to posts and use it to share your child’s experiences and achievements outside of school.


The children in Reception will have PE with our sports coach, Olly every Wednesday. Children will get changed for PE at school and kits will be sent home at the end of each half term.


Homework will be sent out every Friday. The children will receive an activity on either Seesaw, Ten Town or Busy Things.

Children will also bring home a free choice reading book from our school library. This book is for you to share and enjoy with your child. As your child progresses through the Read Write Inc. programme, they will bring home a reading book that matches their phonic ability. We ask that books are brought to school each day to allow time for your child to read with an adult in school and books to be changed. Books will be changed weekly.

Proud Petals

We celebrate your child’s progress and successes daily in school, and we love hearing about special events and achievements they do at home. Our Proud Petals slips allow us to celebrate your child’s achievements and experiences from home. You can message the Reception team on Seesaw and we can complete a Proud Petal in school and display this in the classroom. This could be something they have achieved, such as a sporting certificate, or simply an experience you have enjoyed as a family. We always enjoy listening to the children share their experiences from outside school and these will be a really useful tool to encourage discussion. We look forward to receiving them.

Reception Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 1?

Class 1 have settled into life in Reception brilliantly and are having lots of fun!