Welcome to Class 10!
Class teacher: Mrs O’Brien
Teaching Assistant: Miss Robinson & Mrs O’Connell
Since coming back after a well-deserved break over Christmas, Class 10 have begun our Spring term with a ‘spring’ in their step! Our second topic for this year will take us on an adventure to prehistoric Britain. We will explore the footprints our predecessors left behind, to get a better understanding of the world we live in today. In our ‘Early Man’ topic, we will learn about the changes in Britain for the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
In English, our focus novel is ‘The Wild Way Home’. We will be learning the features of a diary which will lead us onto writing our own diary entry from the perspective of the character ‘Charlie’. We will also be creating a playscript based on a specific chapter from the book and designing an advert advertising Stone Age land for sale.
In Maths, we have begun our term focusing on fractions. We will be looking at fractions greater than a whole, equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. We will then move onto the focus of measurement. Within this focus, we will be learning about length, area and perimeter. We are continuing to work extremely hard on our times tables ahead of our Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check.
In PSHE, our topic for this term is ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing’. Within this topic, we will think about our own emotions and how they make us individual. We will also focus on how we can adapt and overcome unhelpful thoughts and feelings. After our half term break, our topic will then change to ‘Keeping Safe’, in which we will discuss how to stay safe in our local area, what to do in an emergency and how to manage risks.
In DT, we are looking forward to creating our own Stone Age tools. This will be in our levers, linkages and pneumatics topic.
In Art this term, we will be designing and creating a cave art painting using different types of printing.
In science, we are learning about states of matter and the key questions we are investigating is ‘How do some materials change state and why?’.
Important days to remember
We have an hour-long guitar lesson on a Wednesday morning every fortnight and our PE lessons are every Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
Homework will be set every Friday on the online platforms ‘Spelling Shed’ and ‘My Maths. We ask that homework is submitted by the following Friday.
Additional activities to support your child’s learning at home
If you are wanting to do any additional activities at home to support your learning, please use the online resources that school subscribe to (Times Table Rock Stars, Bug Club, Purple Mash). If you are having trouble accessing these resources, please email the school office.
Other useful websites filled with maths and English activities are ‘mathsframe’ (www.mathsframe.com) and Literacy Shed (www.literacyshed.com). These websites are free to use and do not require a subscription.
Time to go back to our learning about the Stone Age – where ‘cutting edge tools’ were just sharp stones!
Year 4 Long Term Planning
What’s been happening in Class 10?
Class 10 had a brilliant time on their fieldwork visit to the River Tees.

Class 10 have had a great start to the year!