Class 11- Year 5

Welcome to Class 11!

Class teacher: Miss Taylor

Teaching Assistant: Miss Gibson

Welcome to Year 5! Throughout Summer term, we are exploring Ancient Greece across English, Art, History, Geography and DT. In English, we are starting to familiarise ourselves with a range of Ancient Greek Myths as we work towards writing a newspaper report. Our newspaper reports will be inspired by our Art and Computing work, where we will be bringing our original mythical creatures to life when creating stop-motion animation clips of their adventures!

During Maths lessons, Year 5 will be learning about decimals and percentages, and properties of shapes. We are continuing to tackle a range of problem-solving and reasoning questions that require both new and prior knowledge to be applied. Class 11 continue to demonstrate their ability to apply previous learning when answering more complex questions.

In Science this term, we are beginning the topic ‘healthy lifestyles’ and ‘growing and changing’. In PE, Year 5 will be exploring rounders and athletics. Having completed our previous unit, ‘Les Vetements’, we are now starting our topic, ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ during French lessons. During R.E lessons, we are exploring what it means for a Jewish person to follow God.

Class 11 continue to impress and inspire me with their determination, increased maturity and embodiment of our Core Christian Values and our school ethos as we progress throughout Year 5. As the countdown to our London residential begins, we are excited to make happy memories for our children to remember for years to come!

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 11?

Year 5 had a fantastic time on their residential visit to London!

What a fantastic start to the Spring term we have had in Class 11.

We have made a great start to our time in Year 5!