Class 11- Year 5

Welcome to Class 11!

Class teacher: Miss Taylor

Teaching Assistant: Miss Menezes

Welcome to Year 5!

Throughout Autumn term, Class 11 will be exploring place value in Maths. The children continue to impress me with their determination, brilliant work ethic and great attitude towards learning. This is also reflected in our English lessons where we are focusing on our spelling, punctuation and grammar this term. Across English and Maths, Class 11 have enjoyed building on their existing knowledge and learning how to successfully answer a range of question types as we explore the Year 5 Curriculum.

In Science, we will be exploring living things and their habitats. Year 5 will learn about the life cycle of plants and animals and explore their learning in a range of formats. In Geography, Class 11 have enjoyed using key, specific terminology to describe land use in Mexico. The children have enjoyed being able to confidently identify a range of map types and use both small- and large-scale maps to represent an area of land. We look forward to our history lessons, where we will explore The Maya and continue to work historically. 

Year 5 will explore eSafety and the importance of being alert when sharing information online in Computing lessons. We will regularly refer to this information when using the internet across the curriculum. In RE, we will explore the key question, ‘What does it mean if God is holy and loving?’. During French lessons, we have started to explore la date throughout a range of speaking, listening and writing tasks. During this term, Year 5 will explore relationships and friendships in PSHE lessons and will receive the ‘Friends’ Alliance programme.

During our time together, Class 11 have continued to inspire me with their determination, maturity and positive attitude towards their education. I know that we will continue to work together to make happy memories and embody our school ethos and Core Christian Values.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 11?

Class 11 had a fantastic time during their first forest school session of the year!