Class 12- Year 5

Welcome to Class 12!

Class Teacher: Mrs Hall

Teaching Assistant: Miss Menezes

PE days: Tuesday PM and Thursday PM

It has been a busy but exciting start to the autumn term, and it has been incredible to see everyone settle into new routines so quickly and maturely. We are an amazingly talented class family, and we have already demonstrated exceptional vocabulary skills in our writing; we are very eager to begin our first topic of Mexico and we are excited to use The Explorer by Katherine Rundell to inspire our writing. We will spend time this half term developing our understanding of sentence construction, and we will explore different clauses and word classes. We will be reflecting on the fundamental ingredients of excellent writing, and we will be using our key learning about Mexico and the Maya to support some our writing later in the term.

In maths, we have already started our Place Value unit of work and we are reading, writing, partitioning, rounding and ordering and comparing numbers to 1000, 000. We have also demonstrated some exceptional times table recall, and we have already made some super progress with the Year 5 maths curriculum. We have thoroughly embraced our unit of work on stereotyping, prejudice and diversity and we are looking forward to investigating different communities, relationships and friendships in PSHE. In art, we are developing our sketching skills, and we are developing our understanding of perspective and composition. We are looking forward to using the work of L.S Lowry to inspire us. In science, we are observing living things and their habitats, and we will be conducting investigations, experiments and observations involving plants and animals. In computing, we are in the process of exploring esafety and we are looking at our own digital footprints. We have an exciting, busy term ahead and we already have so much to celebrate! Learning is fun, and we are having plenty of fun at the moment. Let’s do this Class 12!

Other mentions: We have wellbeing every Thursday afternoon from the end of September

Spellings : Spelling tests are every Friday

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 12?

Class 12 have made a fantastic start to their time in Year 5!