Welcome to Class 12!
Class Teacher: Mrs Hall
Teaching Assistant: Miss Menezes
A whole term has passed, and we have achieved many successes already in Class 12! Every individual has absorbed the Year 5 curriculum, and we have left an exceptional autumn term with some amazing memories and experiences. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the fascinating history of the Maya civilization, whilst also discovering more about the wonders of Mexico. Last term was full of engaging discussions, exploration and curiosity and we really enjoyed our Cummings visit, where we excelled at engineering. We developed our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division in mathematics, and we have produced some outstanding written pieces in English, carefully considering audience and purpose. In science, we conducted some fair investigations with impressive consideration to variables and we had a lot of fun along the way! We rounded our 2024 year off with a visit to Beamish Museum where we were able to experience a Victorian Christmas, in preparation for our work in history this term.
We are now eagerly preparing for a new term with new challenges and further opportunities to grow and have fun. Our London residential is slowly approaching and we are excited to learn all about the geography of the United Kingdom and UK land use. We are thrilled to be starting our much-anticipated space topic, and we are excited to explore spherical objects in space. In PSHE we will be investigating money, career and aspirations and we are looking forward to finishing our class novel The Kid who came from Space by Ross Welford. In mathematics we are moving on to statistics, area and perimeter and fractions, decimals and percentages and in art we will be developing our sculpting skills. This term is going to be another fun filled term and there are no limits to what we can achieve! Spring term here we come!
Year 5 Curriculum Overview
What’s been happening in Class 12?
What a fantastic Autumn term we had with Computing workshops, forest schools, a visit to Beamish, and lots of Christmas fun.

Class 12 have made a fantastic start to their time in Year 5!