Class 14- Year 6

Welcome to Class 14!

Class teacher: Mr Dixon

Teaching Assistant: Miss Menezes

I can’t quite believe we are nearly there – into our final term at Wynyard Primary. We are extremely proud of how hard our Year 6 children have applied themselves this year. 

This term, as well as preparing for our very exciting residential trip to Paris, we will be focussing on the novel, ‘Letters From The Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. This novel is linked to our in-depth study of World War Two. In the first few weeks of term, we will be really narrowing in on specific reading comprehension skills as part of our SATs revision, which will see us exploring a range of different non-fiction, fiction and poetry texts. We will also have the opportunity to brush up any maths skills and methods so that we are fully ready!

We will also be working hard to prepare some final pieces of extended writing, applying all of the KS2 grammar curriculum and considering purpose and audience. 

We have almost covered all objectives within the Year 6 Maths curriculum, allowing us to focus on applying all of our learning to wider contexts and open-ended investigative work. So far this term we have looked at Algebra and we will soon complete a unit on position and direction, exploring co-ordinates, translations, reflections and revising properties of shape. Following lots of detailed revision on the full KS2 Maths curriculum, we will look at some context-based work such as time zones and currency exchange and work on travel projects which use these skills.

This term’s unit in Science will initially be about the impact of drugs on the body, during which we will explore the effects of smoking, alcohol and different types of drugs, as well as looking at legal and ethical issues surrounding this, in conjunction with our PSHE work about keeping healthy as we grow older. Following this unit, we will complete work about light and vision.

In Art, we will be exploring the sculpture artist Henry Moore and creating work based on WW2 shelters.

This term’s PE will take place in school with our sports coaches Olly, Megan and Luke. Children will be practicing their athletics skills and later in the term we will be offering catch-up swimming sessions.

In DT, we will be designing and making bodywork for the Greenpower Goblin electric car, ensuring it is fit for purpose and aerodynamic.

Finally, in PHSE, we will study how we grow and change, including puberty, and will be looking at how to look after the human body including the positive and negative effects of drugs and alcohol.

Let’s go out with a bang! This term will be tricky but rewarding, and will allow us all to show how much we have grown, ready for secondary school!

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 14?

We can’t wait to test out our Greenpower car at Croft!

Another very busy term of learning in Class 14!

Class 14 have made a great start to their final year at Wynyard. They are particularly enjoying their trampolining and gymnastic sessions at Velocity!