Class 2- Reception

Welcome to Class 2!

Class teacher: Mrs Hunter and Mrs Fawcett

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brewster, Miss Barnfield & Miss Whitton

Our topic this half term is ‘The Wider World’. We will explore different countries and learn about their language, culture, traditions, food, dress and climate. We will make comparisons between the different countries. We will be learning about animals from different countries and how they are adapted to their environment. We will write facts about animals, create maps and write for different purposes such as instructions, menus and letters. We will investigate scientific concepts such as hot and cold, freezing and melting and explore a range of art techniques such as sand art, creating textures and mixing colours. We will also learn about Chinese New Year and take part in a range of art and craft activities linked to this celebration.

Next half term, our topic is ‘On the Move’. We will find out about different modes of transport and talk about our experiences of travelling in different vehicles. We will look at the features and purpose of different transport and explore the similarities and differences of transport now and transport in the past. We will also take part in activities linked to Easter.

We have been working incredibly hard in Read Write Inc phonics sessions. In ‘Drawing Club’, we love to listen to stories and watch animations to inspire our writing.

Reception Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 2?

As always, we have been very busy learning and exploring in Class 2!

The children have loved exploring all Class 2 has to offer during the first few weeks of term!