Welcome to Class 7!
Class teacher: Mrs Coates
Teaching Assistant: Miss Wade, Miss Robinson and Miss Van Niekerk
Class 7 have returned to school after Christmas brilliantly! They have settled back into routines beautifully and are really showing mature Key Stage 2 attitudes to all aspects of their learning.
This term, our topic will be ‘The Romans’.
Our class novel for this term is ‘The Creakers’ by Tom Fletcher.
This term, we will continue to embed out learning from the ‘Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar’ scheme as well as accessing more advanced literacy skills.
During each writing block, we will look at a ‘model text’ before learning about specific SPAG elements linked to the text type. After this, we will plan and write our own texts including:
· Interviews with animals (contractions focus)
· Newspaper reports (speech and determiners focus)
· Textbook pages (subheadings focus)
· Instructions (imperative verbs focus)
· Adventure stories (prepositions and adverbials focus)
· Poems (poetic devices focus)
We will also continue to develop our reading fluency and comprehension skills through focussed reading lessons on answering a range of written question types, guided reading groups, whole class guided reading sessions and Reading Plus activities.
This term in maths, we are going to deepen our understanding of fractions as well as applying our place value knowledge to problems involving money. Additionally, we will be improving our accuracy when telling the time. We will be developing our knowledge of measuring length and applying this in a variety of reasoning and problem-solving questions. As part of our learning on statistics, Year 3 will be working on interpreting and representing data using pictograms.
In Spring 1, out science lessons will be all about rocks. Children will have the opportunity to explore a range of different rocks and then conduct investigations on their properties.
During Spring 2, we will focus our learning on how light moves and how shadows are made.
Our key history question for this term is “How did the Roman Empire impact Britain?”. We will be using a range of sources to help us learn more about the Roman invasion of Britain and how the Romans changed life in Britain with a focus on Vindolanda.
Throughout the spring term, we will be working on map skills including how to use four-figure grid references and follow a route using a compass. We will be taking advantage of our recently installed orienteering markers as part of our lessons.
In DT, we will be using levers and linkages to make our own shadow puppets inspired by those designed by Wang Wenkun.
Our spring term artist study will be on Matisse. We will look in depth at his use of colour and develop our drawing and mark making skills to innovate our own dragon eye masterpieces!
Mrs Bradley will continue to teach ukulele lessons to Year 3 on a Thursday afternoon.
PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon this term.
On Tuesday afternoons until they begin swimming lessons, Class 7 will take part in gymnastics lessons focussing on moving, balancing and posing in symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. On Thursday afternoons, we will be focusing on competitive games with Luke, Olly and Megan.
Class 7 swimming lessons will begin on Tuesday 18th February.
Year 3’s weekly RE sessions will focus on The Trinity and Easter. Children will also take part in daily worship sessions both as a whole school and during class-based activities.
Year 3 will spend the first half of the spring term consolidating their French learning so far. In Spring 2, we will begin extending our knowledge to reading, writing, speaking and listening tasks all about fruit.
During our PSHE lessons this term we will be exploring what different families look like. We will also be exploring diverse communities and how we can show respect to people who live differently to us. We understand that these topics may be sensitive for some families. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Year 3 PSHE curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 3 team.
Children have access to the following online resources and their logins are stuck in the front of their reading records:
Spelling Shed: Weekly spelling homework
My Maths: Weekly maths homework
TTRockstars: Times tables
Reading Plus: Reading comprehension
Bug Club: Reading comprehension
Purple Mash: A range of activities from across the curriculum
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
What’s been happening in Class 7?
Class 7 are enjoying their learning learning across the curriculum.

We have made a fantastic start to our time in Year 3 and have really enjoyed taking part in our STEM project at the start of the year.