Class 7- Year 3

Welcome to Class 7!

Class teacher: Mrs Coates

Teaching Assistant: Miss Robinson

The children in Class 7 have settled back into school brilliantly and Mrs Coates can’t believe how much progress everyone is making!

Our current topic is ‘The Vikings’ and by May half term we will be able to recall key events of the Viking invasion of Britain and evaluate the reliability of different sources.

In English, we will be writing myths, leaflets, discussions and senses poems. We are also going to be working hard to improve our reading comprehension skills with a particular focus on making inferences.

In maths, we are depending our understanding of time by looking at digital clocks and time durations as well as finding start and end times using a timeline. After recapping our Year 2 geometry learning, we will learn the names and properties of a variety of 3D shapes. We will also develop our knowledge of mass and capacity using a range of practical activities.

Our first science block is on forces and we are very excited to use the different materials and friction ramp which have been delivered. After May half term, we will be learning about magnets and have lots of practical investigations planned.

We will be completing a food technology unit in DT and making some healthy recipes.

Year 3’s art unit for the term is embroidery and we will be exploring and making our own fabric collage projects.

In PE, we will be working with Olly, Megan and Luke on outdoor adventure skills each Monday and Miss Craggs every other Tuesday on gymnastics and dance.

In RE, we are learning about Hinduism and making links with other religions. It has been so lovely to hear personal experiences from children in our class about Diwali, Puja and visiting the Mandir.

We continue to have ukulele lessons with Mrs Bradley every Thursday afternoon and are making excellent progress with our practical skills and use of musical vocabulary.

Our class homework will be sent out each Friday on eSchools site. We look forward to seeing all of the amazing work that you upload!

We are all looking forward to an excellent summer term in Class 7!

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 7?

Class 7 are enjoying everything Year 3 has to offer, including a recent visit to Vindolanda Roman Fort.

We have been working hard across the curriculum, both in and out of school, as you can see from the photos below.

Class 7 made the most of the warm weather at the start of the year as part of their courageous advocacy project!