Class 8- Year 3

Welcome to Class 8!

Class teacher: Mr Hewitt

Teaching Assistant: Miss Wade, Miss Robinson & Miss Van Niekerk

The children in Class 8 have settled into Year 3 brilliantly and have really impressed Mr Hewitt, Miss Robinson, Miss Wade, Miss Home and Mrs Coates with their lovely manners and excellent attitudes to learning! They have shown that they are ready for the magical journey Year 3 has to offer.   

Our current topic is ‘The Rainforest’ which links excellently with our courageous advocate: Greta Thunberg. The children have already shown that they have a great understanding of global warming and the impact and importance bees have on climate change.

In English, we will be starting the year by consolidating children’s grammar skills through our ‘The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar’ lessons. This is an English tool that allows the children to understand the grammatical functions and will support children in their writing. Children will get the opportunity to apply their skills by writing poems, non-chronological reports, newspaper articles and stories across the year.  

This term in maths, we are going to deepen our understanding of place value as well as learning formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be developing our knowledge of properties of 2D shapes and applying this in a variety of reasoning and problem-solving questions. As part of our learning on statistics, Year 3 will be working on interpreting and representing data using tally charts and tables.

Our science lessons will be all about plants this term. The children ended Year 2 learning about plants and their development as well as what allows them to grow. Children will plant and care for their own seeds as well as conducting lots of investigations on what plants need to survive.

In PE, we will be focusing on communication and tactics with Luke and Olly as well as attending weekly gymnastics lessons.  

Year 3’s weekly RE sessions will focus on The Creation Story and what it means to follow God. Children will also take part in weekly worships, this may be in class or as a whole school. This will be recorded in the collective worship floor book.

In PSHE, the children will be learning about friendships and what it takes to be a good friend. Ideas will be shared and discussed to allow the children to understand the value and importance of friendships inside and outside of school.

We are very excited that Mrs Bradley will be teaching ukulele lessons to Year 3 each, every Thursday.

In French lessons, we will be looking at France and other French speaking countries as well as how to say our name, how we are feeling, colours, numbers and action verbs.

Our class homework will be sent out each Friday on My Maths and Spelling shed.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 8?