Welcome to Class 8!
Class teacher: Mr Hewitt
Teaching Assistant: Miss Wade, Miss Robinson, Miss Brown & Miss Van Niekerk
The children have had an amazing first term in Year 3, developing on their incredible start, they have really started to show Year 3 qualities. Mr Hewitt, Miss Wade, Miss Robinson, Miss Brown, Miss Van Niekirk, Miss Wilson and Mrs Coates have been impressed with their lovely manners and excellent attitudes to learning! They have shown that they are capable of facing challenging work head on.
Our current topic in Geography is ‘four figure grid referencing’, which allows the children to confidently read maps using references to the grid. The children will expand on their knowledge learnt about maps from Year 2. The children have already shown that they have a great understanding of maps, symbols and key vocabulary. In History, we are learning all about the Roman empire and the impact it had on Britain. The children are enthused by History and love learning about the past.
In English, we will be learning about dragons including the text “The Boy Who Grew Dragons”. The children will get the opportunity to showcase their writing skills learnt so far in Year 3 to write instructions explaining how to catch a dragon. The children will also have the opportunity to write an interview with an animal of their choice. This also links to our STEM project where the children will design the trap to catch the dragon. Another key text is “What did the Romans do for us?” and this links to our Topic theme where the children will have already built-up knowledge on the Romans. The children in Year 3 are amazing readers and this will develop as we work on fluency and reading skills across the year.
This term in maths, we are going to develop understanding of unit and non-unit fractions as well as money. We will be developing our knowledge of length and perimeter and applying this in a variety of reasoning and problem-solving questions. We will also deepen our understanding of time. Children will continue to work on 2, 5, 10 and 4 times tables as they get ready to move into Year 4.
Our science lessons will be about rocks and soils as well as light and shadows. We will begin the term by looking at rocks and soils; the children find a real interest in the different types of rocks and how these are found. Then, we will move onto light and shadow which is a fundamental topic in Science with some fun activities to go alongside.
In PE, we will be focusing on communication and tactics with Luke and Olly as well as attending weekly gymnastics lessons.
Year 3’s weekly RE sessions will focus on The Trinity and what it means to follow God. This will be followed by Easter and what it means to Christians. Children will also take part in weekly worships, this may be in class, in assembly or as a whole school. This will be recorded in the collective worship floor book.
We are very excited that Mrs Bradley will be teaching ukulele lessons to Year 3 every Thursday.
In French lessons, we will be looking at ice cream flavours as well as historical Britain. The children love taking part and learning new things in French. We will also be revisiting and consolidating verbs.
Our class homework will be sent out each Friday on MyMaths and Spelling shed.
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
What’s been happening in Class 8?
What a fantastic first term we have had.

Class 8 have made a great start to Year 3!