We have a huge emphasis on music at Wynyard and provide a high-quality music curriculum in order to engage and inspire all children to develop a love of music. Every child in school from Year 1 to Year 6 learns a musical instrument: Year 1 and 2 children learn ukulele; children from Y3 to Y6 learn guitar; and children in Early Years learn a range of percussion. All children in school learn singing skills.
Through these music lessons, children develop their skills of listening, performing and composing music in a range of ways. They learn to perform a range of styles of music, using instruments and their voices; to listen to, review and evaluate a wide range of musical genres; to understand how music is created through understanding of rhythm, pitch, texture, tembre; musical notation and dynamics; and to apply this understanding to compose their own musical pieces. Older children in school also have the opportunity to use technology to produce music.
We also have a wide range of peripatetic lessons available (paid for by parents) including, piano, clarinet, drums, violin and harp. Through this, children have the opportunity to take grade exams and gain musical qualifications.
Performing music is a large part of our school culture. All children in school take part in annual Christmas productions, where they have the opportunity to perform songs and take part in percussion groups. We have two school choirs who meet weekly and perform a range of music regularly. We also offer two after-school music clubs which provide further listening, performing and composing opportunities throughout the year. Each year, we attend Tees Valley Music Service’s ‘Snappy’ performance events: a further opportunity for pupils to learn a range of musical styles, including traditional music and opera songs. Full classes also perform guitar as part of Tees Valley Music Service’s showcase events.
We also offer two after-school music clubs which provide a range of further listening, performing and composing opportunities throughout the year.
In addition to all of the music provision we offer, we also provide enrichment opportunities for the children to experience musical performances, for example musical theatre productions.