Welcome to Nursery!
Class teacher: Mrs Hunter
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brewster, Miss Whitton and Miss Barnfield
Our new children have made a fantastic start to Nursery and are settling in well, adjusting to the new routines! They’re thoroughly enjoying exploring their indoor and outdoor environments and engaging with all the new resources. The Nursery team is delighted to get to know the children and will continue to build these relationships throughout this half-term’s topic, ‘This is Me!’ During this topic, the children will explore their families, feelings, bodies, and senses. They will begin their journey into early phonics by developing listening and attention skills.
Children will take part in PE sessions with our Sports Coaches, Olly and Luke on either a Wednesday morning or a Friday afternoon. Please note, children in Nursery do not need a PE kit.
Nursery Curriculum Overview
What’s been happening in Nursery?
Our new Nursery children have made a fantastic start to their time in school.