
In January 2021, Melrose Learning Trust was formed. As a result, the governance structure of Wynyard CE Primary School changed, with some members of our previous governing body becoming directors on the MAT board and some remaining to form a new Local Governing Body.

Information about Melrose Learning Trust, including details of the members and directors and the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation, is available using the following link:

We have very active school governors with an excellent skills-set, many of whom have been crucial in the successful inception and growth of the school.

Our Chair of Governors:
Mr Paul Card
C/O Wynyard CE Primary School, Redwood Drive, Wynyard, TS22 5UB

Wynyard CE Primary School- Local Governing Body
Mr Paul Card- Chair of Governors
Mrs Sarah Wassell- Headteacher
Reverend Emily Hudghton- Vice Chair of Governors
Mr James Hunter
Mrs Suzanne Chell
Mr Graham Parry
Mrs Joanna Coates (Staff Governor)
Local Governing Body Information and Attendance 2023-24
Local Governing Body Information and Attendance 2022-23
Local Governing Body Business and Pecuniary Interests 2022-23
Local Governing Body Information and Attendance 2021-22
Local Governing Body Business and Pecuniary Interests 2021-22