Class 5- Year 2

Welcome to Class 5!

Class teacher: Mrs Barker

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lofts

What a fantastic start to Year 2! The children in Class 5 have settled in excellently and we have learned so much already! Our class teacher is Mrs Barker, but we also have the pleasure of Mrs Lofts’ help in some of our lessons. We will also be taught by Miss Hind, she is another Year 2 teacher. We have the extra support of some real experts – Olly, Megan and Luke; our sports coach. We have P.E. are on a Monday and Wednesday as well as a range of sporting after school clubs including Gymnastics, Dance, Forest School, dance and Multi-Skills.  

Continuing from Year 1, we will be resuming our journey through the Curious Quests through the topic Tale as Old as Time. We have already started reading ‘Inside the Villains’and we are enjoying examining the cunning character of the Wolf and the wicked plans he hatches. We are also going to explore alternative versions of the Traditional Tales we have grown to love. On our reading list this term we have, Little Red’ and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs!’ ‘After the Fall,’ ‘Jack and the Baked Beanstalk,’and ‘Snow White in New York’.   

We have begun daily Phonics sessions to ensure our early reading journey continues successfully. We have already visited the school library, taken book bag books home and used Bug Club and Oxford Owl! Spelling is well underway too and we have been using Spelling Shed in school and at home to learn new spelling rules.    

In Maths, we have started to construct solid foundations in place value before we begin to explore addition and subtraction later in the term. We have begun to explore reasoning and problem-solving activities in our lessons too to ensure we gain a deeper understanding of the Maths topics we are introduced to. We will link some of our newfound mathematical knowledge to different subject areas, in order to apply our mathematical skills to real-life situations.   We are going to aim to improve our already amazing knowledge of the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables in a fun and engaging way through using Times Table Rock Stars in school and at home. Class 5 love the competitiveness of practicing their times tables in this way, which is helping us to build fluency in our multiplication – a remarkable and important skill to have!    

We are very excited to start learning about Our Local Areain Geography! We are going to explore the wider UK including capitals, landmarks, maps and map symbols. We will also explore the reasons why people might live somewhere and why they might travel to different places in the UK.

Mr Waller will be working with us to learn more about Judaism through exploring how Jewish people live and the scared things they have in their lives. In PSHE we will be spending time understanding relationships and what makes a good friend, how to resolve arguments and where to seek help if a friendship is making us feel unhappy. We are extremely excited to have Mrs Bradley teaching us how to play simple rhythmic patterns on a ukulele so that we can confidently perform in front of others.

Throughout the year, we have access to many different online platforms to support on learning such as Bug Club, Oxford Owl, Spelling Shed, My Maths, Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash. Our logins for these platforms can be found in the front of our Reading Records.

We have a very busy term ahead, but we have all risen to the challenge of Year 2 so far and we are very excited for the year ahead!    

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

What’s been happening in Class 5?

We are really enjoying all Year 2 has to offer!