Welcome to Class 13!
Class teacher: Miss Lowes & Miss Honnor
Teaching Assistant: Mrs McRitchie
Spring term has got off to a fantastic start and we are really looking forward to all of our topics this term.
We have started reading the novel ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman. We will be reading this all half term, following the experiences of the main character, Felix. Alongside this, our English work will focus on the events and characters in the novel, alongside some work on the life of Anne Frank as we read extracts from her diary. We will also be writing a biography of Anne Frank. This English work links to our topic of World War 2, which for the first half term will focus on the events of the Holocaust and the second half term will explore the war in Britain.
In Maths, we will be continuing to embed our number and arithmetic skills alongside studying topics such as ratio, angles and statistics including pie charts.
Our Science unit this half term will be the Circulatory System, which will include making a model of the heart’s structure as we learn about the components of this system in our body. Following this, we will explore the impact of smoking, drugs and alcohol on the body, linked to our PSHE work.
In Art, we will be exploring the work of Yorkshire artist Bob Barker and using the medium of charcoal to create our own pieces of work inspired by his style. in DT, after finishing our levers, gears and pulley system, we will look at World War 2 rationing recipes and ‘Make Do and Mend’ textiles at the end of the term.
Our fortnightly Music lessons will continue with Mr I and will see us exploring the features of music written for film and musical theatre.
In French, our topic will be ‘Manger et Bouger’ which will hopefully support us to order and talk about or food and drink preferences when we visit Paris in June!
Our Computing unit will be ‘Systems and Networks’, looking at how information can be shared and collaborated on online.
In RE, our units will be ‘How Can Following God Bring Freedom and Justice?’ followed by ‘What Difference Does the Resurrection Make for Christians?’
PE lessons will both be on Thursday afternoons and the units will be Badminton and Carnival, as well as a few weeks of swimming later in the term. We will continue to have Forest School days every half term, alongside a Commando Joe’s session on teamwork and resilience.
Homework will continue to be set weekly via My Maths on a Friday, due by the following Friday, alongside reading books and weekly spelling rules. Booster Club on Tuesdays will support us to develop skills of test technique in preparation for SATs in May.
It’s a term of hard work in Year 6 but the fantastic start we had in the Autumn term means that we are more than ready to take it by storm!
Year 6 Long Term Planning
What’s been happening in Class 13?
Year 6 enjoyed their recent DT project where they developed their understanding of mechanisms, such as levers, pulleys and gears to design their own dirt removal device to help Stanley Yelnats from their Autumn term class novel, Holes.

Year 6 had a fantastic first forest schools session.